YUI lahir di Fukuoka, 26 Maret 1987. Tahun 2004 dia mengikuti audisi dan berhasil masuk dapur rekaman. Sampai saat ini YUI sudah mengeluarkan 13 single dan 4 album.
Lagu yang ia bawakan sering menjadi theme song, di antaranya Life dan Rolling Star yang menjadi OST anime Bleach. Juga lagu Goodbye Days yang menjadi theme song film Taiyou no Uta (Midnight Sun) yang dibintanginya. Film tersebut diputar pada ajang Festival Film Canness 2006.
Summer Song - YUI
Taiyou ga mikata suru hi ni yaketa kimi ga te wo furu kara
Kitai shiten da yakusoku no kisetsu ni tobikomu ningyo mitai ni
Kousha no sumi ni himawari ga saku terete bakari ja kakko warui ne
Aozora ni ima sakebitai hodo kimi wo omotteru
Natsu ga kuru kara umi e ikou yo
Chotto dake tachi tomatte mayou hi mo aru kedo
Hekomu mainichi torimodosu hibi kimi ni atte waraiatte
Hajimaru yo natsu yasumi lan la lan la~
Hashiri dashita senaka ni wa uso no nai kimochi ga utsuru kara
T shatsu no mukou gawa kira kira kagayaku mahou mitai da
Hanabi no oto ni kaki kesareteru kimi no kotoba ga yokaze to kawaru
Kanjin na koto kikoenai kedo wakari aesou sa
Ah long long long time machi kogareta
Seishun tte hon no chotto ijiwaru dayo ne
Hekomu mainichi torimodosu hibi kimi ni atte waraiatte
Hajimaru yo natsu yasumi lan la lan la~
Sunahama ni suwari konde futari de tokei ki ni shiteita
Nami no oto kiki nagara yakusoku nante dekinai mama
Natsukashiku naru itsuka kanarazu
Suna ni kaita mirai nante ate ni dekinai
Hekomu mainichi torimodosu hibi kimi ni ate waraiatte
“Makka na buruu da”
Natsu ga kuru kara umi ni kitan da
Niji ni natta ano sora wo wasuretakunai
Hekomu mainichi torimodosu hibi kimi ni atte waraiatte
Hajimaru yo natsu yasumi lan la lan la~
Summer Song (Translation)
The sun is on my side because you’re waving to me, suntanned and all
Have been anticipating this Diving like a mermaid into the season of promises
In a corner of the school grounds the sunflowers are blooming Just being shy will look uncool
To the extent of wanting to yell into the blue sky now I’m thinking of you
Summer is here so let’s go to the sea
Though there may be days where we stop in our tracks and feel lost just for a second
Disheartening days Revitalizing days Meeting you and laughing together
The summer holidays are beginning lan la lan la~
Because true emotions are reflected upon the back of my running figure
It shimmers on the other side of my T-shirt just like magic
Your words which are being drown out by the sounds of the fireworks, dissolve into the night breeze
Can’t hear the important details but I seem to know what it is
Ah long long long time I have been longing for this
Youth is something which is a teeny bit mean isn’t it
Disheartening days Revitalizing days Meeting you and laughing together
The summer holidays are beginning lan la lan la~
Sitting on the sandy shores Both of us taking notice of the time
Hearing the sound of the waves and being unable to make any promise at all
Definitely will feel nostalgic someday
Can’t depend on the future written in the sand
Disheartening days Revitalizing days Meeting you and laughing together
“It’s a bright red-blue”
Because summer is here we came to the sea
Don’t wish to forget that sky where the rainbow has formed
Disheartening days Revitalizing days Meeting you and laughing together
The summer holidays are beginning lan la lan la~
Have heard Yui'z latest album?
BalasHapusNice background...
How u made it?
aku belum denger album YUI yang baru. and you?
BalasHapusaku cuma punya beberapa single YUI. my fav summer song, goodbye days, CHE.R.RY dan I remember you.
backround? I just try & try. dulu background-nya sempet hancur juga. hahaha...
sekarang sudah agak lumayan ^^
BalasHapusGonna go to Cybercafe to get it cause I can't get it from home...
Or maybe wait for my cousin get it for me...>_<
aku masih cari link buat download lagu YUI. dimana ya? haha ^^
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapus4shared got it...
BalasHapusAnd thankz for link my blog...^.^
BalasHapusaku pernah upload lagu YUI summer song di 4shared. tapi di-abuse. hahaha...di-claim.
oke nanti aku cari lagu YUI yang lain di sana. tapi aku belum hapal dengan judul2 lagunya ^^
email kamu sudah aku balas. maaf ya terlambat. karena aku baru buka email ^^
Just search for the title of her album through wikipedia...
BalasHapusIt's helps me a lot...^_^
I already reply it back...^_^
lagu YUI yang bagus apa sih? ^^
BalasHapusaku lebih sering download klip YUI dari Youtube ^^
she is beautiful and talented
To me...
BalasHapusAll her songs the BEST...
selain YUI dan Lead, kamu suka sama siapa lagi?
BalasHapusi know , kamu paling suka sama Akira ^_^
I love him so much...
Beside them?
w-inds, FLAME, Miyavi, the GazettE and lots more...
wow, japanese addict ^^
BalasHapusmusik mereka memang bagus
BalasHapusThat'z me...
I had changed my layout...
Comment bout it please..
I also had replied your mail...
blog kamu jadi dark. tapi keren ^^
BalasHapusThankz for check it out...
Suit wit the name...^_^
yeah, betul juga. ternyata kamu pandai edit html.
BalasHapuskalau blog ini sempat berantakan dulu waktu aku edit2 html ^^
Just play wit it although sometime makes me...dizzy...(>_<)
Always play wit the HTML at myspace...
tapi akhirnya sukses kan? ^^
BalasHapusdark dan penuh Lead ^^
link myspace-nya dimana?
BalasHapusLink myspace?
I didn't put it since I can't open it at my home...
oh begitu. aku juga punya blog lain di multiply. tapi tidak aktif. sudah lama ga post di sana. di blog lokal juga ada ^^
BalasHapusregister sana sini ^^
I sign up so much Myspace but for blog, only this one...
BalasHapusToo lazy to make to much blog...
aku bikin banyak blog tapi yang aktif cuma 3
BalasHapusCuma 3?
BalasHapusLagi 1 mana?
di www.bloggaul.com/farelnine
BalasHapustapi sekarang agak jarang diisi
itu blog pertama yang aku buat
Aku udah melawatnya...
BalasHapusTernyata sedikit aja info...
But nice...
blog itu truly diary. hahaha...
BalasHapusOh really?
My blog also...^_^
dulu blog ini juga diary. tapi sekarang dipisah untuk sharing mp3 dan musik.
BalasHapusterlalu banyak blog jadi bingung ^^
BalasHapusSo where your real diary?
diary di blog ini ada di arsip tahun 2006. tapi jangan dibaca ya. aku malu ^^
BalasHapusWhy? Shy wit me?
There'z nothing to shy lor...
kalau aku baca sendiri, aku juga malu. hahahha...crazy ^^
Nothing to be shy lor...^^
BalasHapusits like...dulu nulis apa sih gue...hahahha
tulisan lama kalau dibaca lagi rasanya gimana gitu ^^
Feel weird, right?
BalasHapusI also feel like that when I read back my post...
In my mind, I think...
Lol~~~This is what I'm wrote...?O_o
and then I will laugh by myself..
iya, rasanya seperti itu ^^
BalasHapusbagaimana keadaan kamu sekarang? masih boring? ;-)
Boring jugak...
BalasHapusBut what more can I do...
Just go through it...
Although I hate it...>_<
wah, masih boring?
BalasHapusbagaimana driving lesson-nya?
oiya, kapan mulai masuk college?
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusDriving lesson? Still haven't touch the stering yet...
BalasHapusBut maybe in 2 weekz more, I will...
I also dunno when since I haven't got my result yet...
waa? yah, semoga berhasil untuk keduanya ^^
BalasHapusI had passed my theory test yesterday...
BalasHapusMaybe will started to driving next week...
aku nggak bisa setir mobil. naik motor juga nggak bisa. hihiihi ^^
BalasHapuskamu harus bisa ya...
I had passed it...
BalasHapusAnd now I'm legal to drive on the road...
hehe...Just like Akira...
congratulation miki